Information on the ISD Levy Initiative Facing Independence Voters April 7
The ISD is asking voters for a levy increase on the April 7 ballot.
To learn more about the proposed increase, watch this informational video with ISD Superintendent Dr. Dale Herl. He answers many frequently asked questions. (Other often asked questions are answered below.) To see the video, click here.
To see a comparison between tax levies of other Missouri school districts and the ISD, follow this link: ISD Levy Comparison
To read this in Spanish, follow this link: ISD Levy Info Sheet- Spanish
Why is the Independence School District asking for a levy increase now?
More students, less money.
The good news is that more families are moving to all parts of Independence. Nearly 1,300 additional students are enrolled today compared to six years ago. Those are students coming from all parts of the metro, mostly Eastern Jackson County. We are growing- that’s a better situation to be in than many dwindling districts shutting down schools. We are educating a much larger student population with much less money. For instance, the district is receiving $4.5 million less than it was six years ago in local funding. As a result, the ISD now has 45 fewer teachers and 6 fewer administrators while educating nearly 1,300 additional students.
How will the money be spent?
The bulk of the funds will be spent to keep class sizes from growing too large and to keep staff salaries competitive with the rest of the metropolitan area so that the district can recruit and retain the best and brightest. Creative cost-cutting measures have allowed the district to keep most class sizes reasonable to date (though there are exceptions), but as each new class adds around 250 new students the current budget won’t keep up with student growth and class sizes will expand.
Also, there are some funds included for Career Academies and building maintenance. Here’s the breakdown:
• $1.4 million to keep class sizes manageable and ensure teacher salaries remain competitive
• $100,000 to bring the most up-to-date technology into Career Academy classrooms
• $500,000 for annual maintenance for HVAC and roofing
What does this mean for the average homeowner?
For the average homeowner, this investment in education would cost $3.80 a month.
How does our levy compare to surrounding districts?
The Independence School District’s levy is the lowest of any surrounding district. With the increase, the ISD will have the second lowest levy of those districts around us.