Chrisman FBLA Excels at District Competition
Posted February 2, 2015

(Pictured—Justin Dickerson, Ronnie Cravens, Anna O’Renick, Sarah Daniel, Tim Paxton and Tanner Frisbey)
William Chrisman’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students turned in a strong showing during districts January 30, with three FBLA members- Sarah Daniel, Tim Paxton and Vincent Kent- qualifying for state competition in April.
Daniel and Paxton placed first in Business Ethics and Kent placed second in Economics, earning a trip to Springfield to compete against other FBLA students statewide. Several other Chrisman students excelled during districts including Anna O’Renick, Ronnie Cravens and Justin Dickerson- finishing third in Emerging Business Issues, O’Renick- third in Client Services and Daniel- third in Public Speaking 2.