Van Horn JROTC Students Spearhead School Blood Drive

Using planning and support skills honed as cadets, Van Horn High School’s JROTC organized the school’s annual blood drive February 3. Nearly 100 faculty members, staff and students ‘rolled up their sleeves’ for the cause. “This is the fifth year the JROTC has taken the lead,” said Col. Mike Byrd, Van Horn’s JROTC instructor, “and this year was a great success.”
Byrd said the JROTC’s involvement in the drive is a great example of project based learning. “Blood donation is an excellent indicator of an engaged and active citizen which is a key element in JROTC,” he said.
The school worked with the Community Blood Center to insure the donations would have the greatest impact on the Independence community. “The blood donations stay local and benefit those in need at Truman Medical Center, Centerpoint Medical Center and Children’s Mercy Hospital,” Byrd said.
Byrd said he was especially pleased with the student turnout. It bodes well, he said, for the future.
“Statistics indicate an early positive donor experience results in an individual who is more likely to be a dependable and habitual donor within the community,” Byrd said.