District Receives MSBA Governance Team Award
Missouri school leaders honored the ISD with the Missouri School Boards’ Association (MSBA) 2015 Governance Team Award- an award given to just 22 of Missouri’s 520 public school districts. ISD leaders will be formally recognized during the MSBA Leadership Summit Saturday, June 13 in Osage Beach.
Criteria for the award includes outstanding commitment by the school board and superintendent to ongoing professional development, a commitment to regional and statewide leadership and active statewide participation in legislative advocacy for public schools.
“School boards, like the ISD’s, and superintendents like Dr. Dale Herl that receive this award, demonstrate the value of ongoing learning for continuous improvement,” said Phyllis Barks, MSBA’s associate executive director.
Headquartered in Columbia, the MSBA helps school boards succeed through ongoing education and training and serves as the unified voice of school board members across Missouri.