Shining a Light on Exciting ISD Auditorium Upgrades

The auditoriums at Truman, William Chrisman and Van Horn have been bustling with activity this summer. Those taking the stage are not actors but rather they are professionals installing state-of-the-art lighting and sound. Students at all three high schools will now have the opportunity to perform in a more professional setting. Harvest Productions installation team has also worked closely with the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, Union Station, KC Convention Center and other impressive venues to provide the best and most cost-effective lighting and sound. The cost savings over time operating the new equipment will pay for the upgrades. Newer equipment requires much less electricity with low voltage components and LED lighting. The new lighting does not get nearly as hot as the old stage lighting which means a cost savings in AC used to keep everyone and everything cool. The upgrades will be completed before school starts August 12th.