ISD JROTC Participate in Historic Truman Library Ceremony

Posted September 11, 2015

In the sunbathed courtyard of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum, 10 JROTC cadets from the three ISD high schools stood still and strong, prepared to honor their country and their school district by participating in a solemn ceremony on one of the most important days in this country’s history. While four cadets presented the colors, others accompanied Czech Ambassador Petr Gandalovic and Slovak Ambassador Peter Kmec as they paid their respects to President Truman and commemorated Sept. 11 by laying a wreath on the president’s gravesite.

ISD cadets Destany Williamson, Brianna Durham, Travis Riley, David Knouse, Nick Hickman, Zeb Lityma and Dominick Chavez from Van Horn, Kat Rice and Britany Hanks from William Chrisman and Kenny Ward from Truman High School participated in this memorable and moving event. “The opportunity for our student-cadets to be part of an official activity with two members of the ambassadorial corps was unique and exciting,” said retired Lt. Col. Michael Byrd, Van Horn’s senior JROTC instructor.

“It is rare for both the Czech and Slovak ambassador to be in the Kansas City area at the same time,” said Ross Marine, honorary consul, “so we are grateful for the Independence School District JROTC’s participation in this historic event.”  The ambassadors were in Independence as part of their two day official visit to Missouri. The theme of their visit: ‘The Celebration of Czech and Slovaks Collaboration.’

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