There is No School in the ISD today, Wednesday, March 5th, due to road conditions and multiple buildings without power. Early Ed and Kids' Safari are both closed.

Luff ‘Family’ Makes Difference for Co-Worker’s Family

Posted December 21, 2015
Luff Cookie Fundraiser 12.15_0011Luff Cookie Fundraiser 12.15_0026

This year, Thanksgiving was even more special for Angie Acevedo, nutrition center manager at Luff Elementary School. Acevado’s two sons play football for Fort Osage High School and Thanksgiving weekend, the Indians won the 2015 Missouri Class 5 State Championship. But when her boys each wanted a state championship ring to commemorate the achievement, the expense was going to be problematic. That is, until Luff Elementary teachers came up with the ‘recipe’ to make it happen!

Teachers organized a Cookie Exchange fundraiser- everything from cookies to brownies to fudge- and donated the proceeds to the cause. Acevado’s sons were there too, thanking everyone for their support and generosity. Thanks to the exchange, both boys will have a state championship ring of their own.

“Here, we are a family,” said Melissa Carver, Luff principal. “We support each other any way we can!” That show of support overwhelmed Acevado and her boys.

“My heart is so full of gratitude, no words can express how I feel right now,” Acevado said. “This is truly a blessing for our family.”