ISD Celebrates Kindness

Posted January 27, 2016

From picking up trash and creating ‘blessing bags’ to just giving compliments and writing a kind note to a friend, schools in the ISD commemorated The Great Kindness Challenge in a variety of different ways.

Luff Elementary filled a ‘kindness tree’ with paper hearts depicting random acts of kindness. Blackburn Elementary students signed a pledge banner hung from the cafeteria wall, reminding them of their commitment to kindness. Mallinson Elementary had a different kindness quote every day. Inside Korte Elementary, students exchanged compliments and notes of kindness between friends new and old.

Mill Creek Elementary students assembled blessing bags. They filled them with socks, gloves, water bottles and toothbrushes to give to the homeless. Members of the Randall Elementary student council picked up trash along Jennings Road to beautify the area surrounding their school. William Southern Elementary students decorated 500 paper bags and gave them to a nearby Hy-Vee to give to their customers to raise awareness about The Great Kindness Challenge.

The Great Kindness Challenge is a national initiative, financed through donations from foundations, corporate sponsors and small business sponsors. A long-time supporter of the program, the ISD is recognized as a Kindness Certified School District for creating a culture of kindness in schools and throughout the Independence community.

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