Students Represent ISD in All-State Band
Two ISD high school students are representing the Independence School District in the 2017 Missouri All-State Band. Truman High School junior Jacob Presler made the band for the third consecutive year. Truman High School junior Nick Stabile was selected as a member of the All-State Honorable Mention Band as a tuba player. Congratulations to these talented band members on achieving this honor!
Jacob Presler plays trombone in the Truman Jazz Band and euphonium/baritone in the Truman Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Pit Orchestra and Pep Band. Jacob earned I Ratings (Excellent) at the State Music Solo and Ensemble contest in both his freshman and sophomore years. Jacob has earned an academic letter and a varsity letter in Track and Field. Outside of school, Jacob plays euphonium in Brass Persuasion, a brass ensemble group that plays throughout the community.
Nick Stabile plays trombone in the Truman Jazz Band and tuba in the Truman Marching Band, Pep Band and Symphonic Band. He has earned I Ratings at the State Music Solo and Ensemble contest in both his freshman and sophomore years. Nick is active in Truman’s musical theater productions and also plays trombone in Five Star Jazz Band outside of school.

Jacob Presler Nick Stabile