14 ISD Schools Earn Positive Behavior Support Award of Excellence
Fourteen ISD schools have earned the 2023-24 Missouri School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS) Award of Excellence for their exemplary implementation of multi-tiered systems of behavioral support.
Spring Branch Elementary was honored as the Dr. Mary Richter School of Distinction Award Recipient for their building-wide strategies to continuously renew and improve their implementation of school-wide positive behavior support. The Dr. Mary Richter Award honors one school and one district that exemplify the ideals, principles, and practices of positive behavior support.
SW-PBS is a school-wide framework for creating safe and orderly schools, while improving the social-emotional outcomes for students. It is a proactive approach to teaching students expected school behaviors through positive practices, consistently correcting inappropriate behavior, and using data to systematically solve problems. SW-PBS expectations are paired with positive reinforcements, recognizing and rewarding positive behavior, and providing opportunities to learn and practice expected behaviors.
The following ISD schools received recognition:
Spring Branch Elementary — Dr. Mary Richter School of Distinction Award
Korte Elementary — Tier 1 Award of Excellence
Sycamore Hills Elementary — Tier 1 Award of Excellence
Bingham Middle School — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Christian Ott Elementary — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Clifford H. Nowlin Middle School — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Independence Academy — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Mill Creek Elementary — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Pioneer Ridge Middle School — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Randall Elementary — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Spring Branch Elementary — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Truman High School — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Van Horn High School — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
William Chrisman High School — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
William Southern Elementary — Tier 3 Award of Excellence
Read more about MO SW-PBS at pbismissouri.org.