ISD Staff Snow Day Make-Up options

Posted March 6, 2025

We have developed Make-Up options for staff, for this year’s unusually high number of Snow Days, that align with the contractual commitments and expectations of each role.

Ensuring no loss of pay for any employee group was a priority for ISD leadership. Specific Make-Up options vary by employee group, since some roles require student attendance for work.

Treating all employee groups fairly was also a priority. It would not be equitable to allow exempt (non-hourly) employees to have days forgiven while asking our hourly employees to make their time up or risk losing pay. 

It’s important to clarify that we cannot overlook or forgive missed time, as it could potentially be viewed as a misuse of local, state, and Federal funds by providing pay for work that was not performed. 

And as a reminder: employees may always use Vacation, Personal leave, or Leave without pay if they do not want to work the Make-Up Days.

Each employee group received personalized Make-Up options via email Wednesday. We appreciate your patience and understanding, as we have all had to make adjustments during this unique school year.

We are grateful, truly, for the dedication of our staff to ensuring a quality education for ISD students.