Thanks ISD Voters!
By a nearly two to one margin, Independence voters approved a 24 cent tax levy increase for the Independence School District. The levy increase, passed by nearly 65 percent of the voters, will generate an additional $2 million annually for teacher hiring and retention, professional development for the newly-announced Career Academies program and HVAC and roof maintenance for district buildings.
“This was a very important day for the Independence School District, students, staff and our entire community,” said Superintendent Dr. Dale Herl. “I want to extend my thanks to all of the voters who have had a direct impact on the future success of the ISD.”
This is the first time since 2003 the ISD has asked for an operational levy increase and even with the passage, the district still has the second lowest tax levy of any school district on the Missouri side of state line. Herl said he will begin addressing staffing needs almost immediately.
“The district will begin the process right away of hiring additional teachers for next school year,” he said. “Those teachers will help reduce classroom sizes primarily in the elementary schools in order to continue to provide the best education for our students.”