Pioneer Ridge Student Making Holidays Brighter for Others

Posted December 8, 2015

Pioneer Ridge Middle School student Levi Bartley has a knack for fixing things, especially bicycles. So Bartley, an eighth-grader, put those skills to work to make the holidays a little brighter for children in need.

Using repairable bicycles donated to the Community Services League (CSL), Bartley went to work. He fixed the brake system on one bike, replaced a tire on another and fixed a seat on a third.

“Levi is a gifted bike mechanic,” said Lindsay Shelton, Pioneer Ridge English and language arts teacher, “and the CSL gets a lot of bikes needing repairs. He used his talents to help those in need.

“Thanks to Levi and the Community Services League, two boys and a girl will have a new bike under the tree this holiday season!”