NWMSU-KC Students Donate Books to Fairmount Elementary

Posted December 17, 2015

Students in the Northwest Missouri State University- Kansas City’s newly-created Elementary Education Completion Program brought an early holiday gift to Fairmount Elementary. Each carried boxes of books, more than 400 total, and donated them to the school’s library. There are only four students in the program, but each was a student teacher at Fairmount.

“They were generous enough to let us come and teach (at Fairmount), so we wanted to give back to them,” said Caitlin Gritz, one of the four students in the program. “They love to read, so I think they will really love these books.” The other three students in the program are Katelyn Milligan, Tina Mann and Hieu Nguyen.

The Completion Program is a new initiative this year at the Northwest-Kansas City campus. There are four Completion Programs–Elementary Education, Business, Computer Science and Recreation. “All of the programs are for students who have completed two years of community college and want to transfer into a bachelor’s degree program,” said Victoria Seeger, assistant professor of professional education. “We take transfer students on our main campus, of course, but we saw a need for a program for students who want to remain in Kansas City.” And at least one of the students would like to come back to the ISD.

I’d love to teach elementary school, fifth-grade, at Fairmount,” Gritz said.

To hear more about the donation, watch this video.
