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Science Course Descriptions:

9th Grade

Note: All freshmen students will enroll in either Physical Science 4111 or Honors Biology 4114.

Physical Science (1 credit SCI, Gr. 9)  Course Number: 4111

In this course the student will study a variety of different topics covering matter and energy. Labs and/or investigations will be used to give students hands on learning and practical applications of the topics covered. Students will focus on applying their knowledge gained from the course to construct/ engineer projects that demonstrate their knowledge of the concepts. Topics included in this course are scientific measurement, matter, the periodic table of elements, chemical reactions, Newtons laws, momentum, and energy.

Honors Biology (1 credit SCI, Gr. 9, weighted) Course Number: 4114

Credit for this course will only be granted after completion of the Missouri Biology End-of-Course Exam (EOC).

This course introduces students to the world of living organisms, the methods used to study them, and the principles that govern their existence. Students will learn about organic and inorganic chemistry as it relates to biological functions and processes. In the laboratory, students use the techniques of the scientist in gathering information, analyzing it, and interpreting its significance in relation to other living organisms including themselves. This course will be taught at a rigorous and deeper level than General Biology by incorporating some of the curriculum from AP Biology. A goal of the class is to prepare students for AP Biology their junior or senior year. Students should expect homework on a regular basis and will be exposed to the study skills necessary to succeed in college preparatory courses. 

10th, 11th, and/or 12th Grade

General Biology (1 credit SCI, Gr. 10-12)  Course Number: 4201

Prerequisite: Physical Science

Credit for this course will only be granted after completion of the Missouri Biology End-of-Course Exam (EOC).

This course introduces the student to the world of living organisms, the methods used to study them and the principles that govern their existence. In the laboratory, students will use the techniques of the scientist in gathering information, analyzing it, and interpreting its significance in relation to other living organisms including themselves.

Earth Science (1 credit SCI, Gr. 10-12) Course Number: 4204

Prerequisite: General Biology or Honors Biology

This course will investigates man’s environment on Earth and in space. Emphasis is placed upon class discussion and is interspersed with laboratory studies and outside activities. Students are encouraged to develop a general understanding of the interrelationships of geology, astronomy, environmental science and meteorology and apply these concepts to present environmental situations and phenomena which they encounter daily.

Environmental Science (1 credit SCI, Gr. 10-12) Course Number: 4304

Prerequisite: General Biology or Honors Biology

Environmental science is the study of patterns and processes in the natural world and their modification by human activity. To understand current environmental problems, one must consider physical, biological, and chemical processes that are often the basis of those problems. This course will emphasize topics including the structure of ecosystems, food webs, biomes, nature of science, and environmental problems facing the world.

Forensic Science (1 credit SCI, Gr. 10-12) Course Number: 4211

Prerequisite: General Biology, or Honors Biology

This course is a laboratory-based science course that provides students with integrated instruction in the areas of Biology and Chemistry. This course will take a different approach to learning science than other science courses students have taken. The purpose of this course is to apply science concepts in real world situations. Students in the class will be employees of ABC TECHNOLOGIES. They will work on a research teams to solve a client’s science problem and explore new career opportunities.

Honors Chemistry (1 credit SCI, Gr. 10-12, weighted) Course Number: 4140

Prerequisite: Honors Biology and Algebra I.

Students are urged to have a strong math background and are encouraged to be concurrently enrolled in Algebra II or Geometry.

In this course students will apply the scientific method to record data from performed experiments that reinforce concepts taught in class. The properties of elements on the periodic table are thoroughly examined to develop an understanding of chemical bonding. Algebra will be applied to various types of chemical problems. Students will learn to predict the amount of a product or products resulting from a reaction with a given amount of reactants (stoichiometry). Students will be able to describe real-world processes at the molecular level. This is rigorous course aimed at challenging students in math, writing, and in the laboratory to better prepare students for upper level science courses and/or AP Chemistry.

11th and/or 12th Grade

AP Environmental Science (0.5 credit SCI, Gr. 11-12) Course Number:4210

Students cultivate their understanding of the interrelationships of the natural world through inquiry-based lab investigations and field work as they explore concepts like the Big Ideas; energy transfer, interactions between different species and the environment, and sustainability.

Applied Biological Sciences (1 credit SCI, Gr. 11-12) Course Number: 4212

Students are urged to have completed Forensic Science and/or Honors Biology or receive a teacher recommendation.    

This course will use real life applications to learn science concepts. ABC TECHNOLOGIES is a science research facility. The students are the employees of ABC TECHNOLOGIES and work in science research teams, with the teacher serving as the supervisor. As employees of ABC TECHNOLOGIES the students are trained in a variety of science skills. Students then use their science skills to solve wide range of real science problems from clients throughout the world. The focus of the course will be, genetics and biotechnology first semester and microbiology 2nd semester.

Chemistry (1 credit SCI, Gr. 11-12) Course Number: 4107

Prerequisite: Algebra I – 10th grade students may enroll with recommendation from 9th grade science teacher.

Students are urged to have a strong math background and are encouraged to be concurrently enrolled in Algebra II or Geometry.

In this course students will apply the scientific method to record data from performed experiments that reinforce concepts taught in class. The properties of elements on the periodic table are thoroughly examined to develop an understanding of chemical bonding. Algebra will be applied to various types of chemical problems. Students will learn to predict the amount of a product or products resulting from a reaction with a given amount of reactants (stoichiometry). Students will be able to describe real-world processes at the molecular level. 

College Biology (1 credit SCI, Gr. 11-12, weighted) College Credit Available, Course Number: 4214

Prerequisite: Honors Biology or Advanced on prior Missouri Biology EOC

Student must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA to enroll for college credit.

This course will cover the topics that would be pursued in an introductory level college biology course. Topics will be biochemistry, cytology, thermodynamics, genetics, evolution, taxonomy, and ecology. Lab activities are an important component of this course. This course is a college course which requires learning abstract concepts and using effective study skills outside class time in order to be successful.

College Chemistry (1 credit SCI, Gr. 11-12, weighted) College Credit Available, Course Number: 4213

Prerequisite: Honors Chemistry or Chemistry with teacher recommendation

Student must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and scored at least a 22 on the math portion of the ACT exam to enroll for college credit.

This course will cover the topics that would be pursued in an introductory level college chemistry course. Topics will be atomic theory and periodic system, chemical calculations, oxidation-reduction, states of matter, theory of chemical bonding, and atomic structures. Lab activities are an important component of this course. This course is a college course which requires learning abstract concepts and using effective study skills outside class time in order to be successful.

Physics (1 credit SCI, Gr. 11-12, weighted) College Credit Available, Course Number: 4109

Prerequisite: Algebra II; Honors Chemistry is recommended

Students are encouraged to have a strong math background.

A modern introduction is given to the science of physics, dealing with the Newtonian principles of motion and matter in the world in which we live. Topics covered in this course include motion, forces, energy, waves, electricity, light, and the energy of the atom. Concepts are taught through the laboratory, problem solving, films and discussions.

Zoology (1 credit Science elective, Gr. 11-12) Course Number: 4305

Prerequisite: Biology or Honors Biology

This course will cover the branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life, including the study of the structure, physiology, development, and classification of animals. Can be taken concurrently with HBS and is highly recommended that you have had Medical Terminology prior to enrolling.

12th Grade

MPI General Physics (1 credit SCI, Gr. 12, MPI weighted) College Credit Available, Course Number: 4143

Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry; 3.0 or better unweighted GPA; Honors Chemistry is recommended; completion of the Calculus Readiness Exam

This course is a college-level introduction to algebra-based Physics. Topics include one-and-two-dimensional motion, forces, energy, momentum, rotational motion, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, and sound. Bi-weekly lab experiments are used to reinforce concepts. Students must provide their own transportation to MPI.

MPI Physics for Science and Engineering (1 credit SCI, Gr. 12 MPI weighted) Dual Credit Available, Course Number: 4144

Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry; 3.0 or better unweighted GPA; Honors Chemistry is recommended; completion of the Calculus Readiness Exam

This course is a college-level introduction to calculus-based Physics. Topics include one-and-two-dimensional motion, forces, energy, momentum, rotational motion, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, and sound. Bi-weekly lab experiments are used to reinforce concepts. Students must provide their own transportation to MPI.

Zoology (1 credit Science elective, Gr 11-12) Course Number: 4305

Pre-requisite: Biology or Honors Biology.

This course will cover the branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life, including the study of the structure, physiology, development, and classification of animals. Can be taken concurrently with HBS and is highly recommended that you have had Medical Terminology prior to enrolling.