A student graduates from the Independence School District, when he/she earns all credits in all required areas of concentration. Credits are earned by successfully passing courses during the regular school day, during the District’s summer school, through approved correspondence programs, and through approved virtual instruction programs.

Students who voluntarily withdraw from a class after the first 20 attendance days of each semester will receive an “F” in the class for the semester. Exceptions may be allowed by the principal or his/her designee.

Credit Types

All courses offered in the ISD fall under a credit type. Credit types are used to ensure that all graduation requirements are met. Below are the various credit types and the abbreviations used for each.

Credit TypeAbbreviation
Social StudiesSOC
Physical EducationPE
Practical ArtsPAR
Fine ArtsFAR
Personal FinanceFIN

Grade Point Average (GPA) and Class Rank

Grade Unweighted Core 42 Dual Credit/APMPI WeightedHonors/PLTW
A4588-100= 5 4.5
B3476-87= 4 3.5
C2364-75= 3 2.5
D1252-63= 11.5
F000-51= 00

Grade points used to calculate GPA are outlined in the table above. Over the course of the high school career, all semester GPAs are combined to comprise the cumulative GPA; however, class rank is based on total accumulated grade points, not GPA.

Students who take a full schedule all four years and weighted courses earn more grade points than students who take fewer weighted courses or who take a partial schedule. Coursework taken outside the school day will count toward graduation credit, but not toward GPA.

Weighted courses are available in select subject areas. These courses carry an additional grade point value and some offer college credit as well. Weighted courses are determined according to the following criteria:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) courses
  • Honors courses 
  • Project Lead the Way courses
  • Core 42 College Credit courses
  • Industry Recognized Credential (IRC) Capstone Class

Additional Considerations Regarding Graduation

Summer School: Credit earned in summer school may be counted toward graduation requirements if the course meets Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education standards and regulations. Summer school grades do not influence class rank.

Credit Recovery Options: Credit recovery provides an opportunity for high school students who fail a course to complete the requirements of the class. Once the student demonstrates mastery of the course requirements, the student shall receive credit for the course. Grades earned through credit recovery options will not impact a student’s class rank unless these courses are taken in the building during the regular school day.

Correspondence Credit: Students desiring to use correspondence credit to meet graduation requirements shall obtain prior approval of the principal or his/her designee.

Virtual Instruction Program: The District will utilize an electronic classroom tool. District staff will assign a grade and course credit depending upon the percentage of work satisfactorily completed for each class.

Special Education: Exceptions to the above graduation requirements may be made for students enrolled in special education classes. The Individual Educational Plan (IEP) team may, in the best interest of the student, determine the appropriate educational program leading to graduation. Some special programs are exempt from participation in class rank.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Initial Eligibility Requirements

If a student is considering athletics at the collegiate level, the student and their families are responsible for working with district personnel (coaches, athletic directors, counselors, etc) to determine eligibility and complete the registration process.

All students wishing to play at the collegiate level must register with the appropriate clearinghouse. Below are the websites: