Welcome to Summer Success, the Independence School District’s summer school program designed to help students stay engaged, catch up, and get ahead. Whether your child is looking to reinforce key skills, explore new interests, or prepare for the next grade level, Summer Success offers a range of enriching academic and enrichment opportunities in a supportive and fun environment. Join us this summer for a rewarding experience that sets students up for success in the coming school year!

  • Open to all ISD K-12 students (includes incoming Kindergarten students starting school in the Fall)
  • Free Breakfast and Lunch
  • Transportation for qualifying students
  • Registration Required for Summer Success and for Transportation


πŸ”Ή  Link to register: https://registration.isdschools.org/
πŸ”Ή  Students enrolled by April 25th are guaranteed a spot.
πŸ”Ή  Waitlists are created after April 25th, and families are contacted individually if a spot opens up.
πŸ”Ή  Walk-ins will not be accepted.


πŸ”Ή  You will opt-in to Transportation during online registration. Qualifying students who are registered by April 25th are guaranteed a spot. Bus passes will be sent after the April 25th registration deadline.
πŸ”Ή  Bus routes and stops may differ from those used during the regular school year. Parents/guardians are encouraged to escort their student to and from the bus stop.
πŸ”Ή  For waitlisted families who are accepted, or anyone else who registers after April 25th, Transportation cannot be guaranteed.
πŸ”Ή  For questions, please call ISD Transportation at (816) 521-5335.

Hours2025 Summer Success Locations
8:30 – 2:50Cassell Park (Korte, Procter)
8:30 – 2:50Santa Fe Trail (Bryant)
9:30 – 3:50Blackburn (Little Blue)
9:30 – 3:50Glendale (Benton)
9:30 – 3:50Luff (Three Trails)
9:30 – 3:50Mallinson (Fairmount, Sugar Creek)
9:30 – 3:50Ott (Mill Creek)
9:30 – 3:50Spring Branch (Randall)
9:30 – 3:50Sycamore Hills (William Southern)
8:35 – 2:55Bridger (6th grade)
8:25 – 2:45
Pioneer Ridge (7th – 8th grade: Bingham, Nowlin, Independence Academy)
IA Bell Times: 8:35 – 2:55

Will your student need Before and/or After School Care – or – on Non-School Days?

  • Kids’ Safari Before and / or After School Care is available on school days, outside of the school-day hours. You may drop off your student BEFORE school begins beginning at 6:30 a.m. β€” and/or β€” pick them up AFTER the school dismissal bell rings, up until 6 p.m.
    Enrollment: please contact your home school Site Coordinator, call (816) 521-5508, or visit https://isdschools.ce.eleyo.com/.
  • Non-School Day Care: Monday Fun Days are available during Summer Success, on the Mondays in which School is not in session: June 2nd, June 9th, and June 23rd. There is a cost associated with this care. For more information, visit the Kids’ Safari Summer 2025 page.
    Enrollment: please contact your home school Site Coordinator, call (816) 521-5508, or visit https://isdschools.ce.eleyo.com/.
  • Summer Care: we offer care during the month of July, and for the first part of August, for K-8 students. This program is called Summer Safari. For more information, visit the Kids’ Safari Summer 2025 page.
    Enrollment: please contact your home school Site Coordinator, call (816) 521-5508, or visit https://isdschools.ce.eleyo.com/.

For more detailed information, including program specifics and enrollment procedures, please visit the Kids’ Safari Program Page.

Do you have a student in Early Education (birth – age 5)?

Children ages six weeks to four years old may enroll in Early Education in the ISD. During the month of June, ages six weeks to two years old is held at Sunshine Center; ages three to five is held at Combined Sites.

Transportation is not available for Early Education programs (with the exception of ECSE, Early Childhood Special Education).

There are costs associated with the Early Education program. To enroll, please call (816) 521-5314.


πŸ”Ή  Link to register: https://registration.isdschools.org/
πŸ”Ή  Walk-ins will not be accepted.

Location: Truman High School
A few courses will also be offered at Van Horn High School, William Chrisman High School, and Nowlin Middle School. Transportation among locations will be provided.

πŸ”Ή Each day is divided into two sessions:
Session 1: 7:15 a.m. – 10:20 a.m.
Session 2: 10:30 a.m. – 1:55 p.m.


πŸ”Ή  You will opt-in to Transportation during online registration. Qualifying students who are registered by May 6th are guaranteed a spot. Bus passes will be sent after the May 6th registration deadline.
πŸ”Ή  Bus transportation runs prior to the 7:15 a.m. start and after the 1:55 p.m. dismissal. Buses will not transport students to/from home between sessions.
πŸ”Ή  For questions, please call ISD Transportation at (816) 521-5335.


πŸ”Ή  Summer Success is condensed into one month. Any day missed is equivalent to missing 4.25 regular school days.
πŸ”Ή  If a student misses more than two class periods, they will be dropped from that class and lose Transportation for that session.
πŸ”Ή  Students who are going to be gone for a school-sponsored trip (i.e. cheerleading camp, band trip, etc.) will need to work with their Administrator prior to Summer Success for approval.

The ISD has many opportunities for students to participate in athletics over the summer.

Questions about Summer Athletics can be directed to the activities director at your student’s school:

Truman High School – Bobby McCutcheon, 816-521-5350, bobby_mccutcheon@isdschools.org

Van Horn High School – Chris Corrie, 816-521-5360, chris_corrie@isdschools.org

William Chrisman High School – Geoffrey Alderman, 816-521-5355, geoff_alderman@isdschools.org